Summary: Daniel 9:25 tells people when to start the countdown until the Messiah comes. This is a part of the Christmas story that has been neglected or misunderstood, for Jesus was proclaimed the Messiah from the moment the angel made the announcement to Mary. And he wasn’t born in secret. In humility and poverty, yes, but not in secret.
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Sources for this study (listing does not imply I agree with everything in these books and articles):
The Chronology of the Old Testament by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones
Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ by Harold W. Hoehner
The Coming Prince by Sir Robert Anderson
Bible Atlas published by the American Bible Society
Articles on the Answers in Genesis website – Christmas Timeline of the Biblical Account, Hodge and Chaffey, Dec 21, 2010; Born in a Barn (Stable)?, Chaffey, Nov 30, 2010; More Timeline Twisting, Hodge and Chaffey, Dec 23, 2011
Thursday Crucifixion? Do These Two Reasons “Nail it?”, Shari Abbot