Bible News Press (BNP) has become part of The Happy Homeschool! You will be able to read all the same articles under a special BNP category.
The articles are already all on The Happy Homeschool (THH), but THH is still under construction. The final website design will include a sub-category for BNP with the branding artwork that you recognize.
Meanwhile, if you are looking for something in the regular BNP categories, I am working on creating the links below:
- Bible News Press time traveling news reporter
- Bible News Press Heart and Mind
- Religious Vocabulary Word of the Day (RVWD)
The logo for THH is very nearly done and I am very pleased with what my graphic designer has done. She is a graduate of Boise State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design. But on top of that, she was taught here at our home “school,” so she really understands where I am coming from!
PS – Sign up for The Happy Homeschool newsletter and get My Best 25 Homeschool Tips (in no particular order) (link coming soon)