Summary: Verse 14, in particular, has caused a lot of misunderstanding as people try to apply it to always be healed. There are things to do and ways to investigate portions of scripture that are hard Continue Reading
Reading James Chapter 5
Summary: James explains to the readers why and how they should be patient while dealing with the corruption of rich, worldly people. He also says that patience should include them not grumbling Continue Reading
Reading James Chapter 4
Summary: Christians having wars with each other? Resisting the devil and making him flee? The Spirit of God being jealous? James talks about all of this in this section of his letter to the 12 tribes Continue Reading
Reading James Chapter 3
Summary: James very much wants us to understand how important it is to control our tongues (what we say), how much evil and confusion is caused by people speaking in jealousy and selfish ambition. Continue Reading
Reading James Chapter 2
Summary: James goes to great length to explain why showing partiality to rich people when meeting together in faith of our Lord Jesus Christ of glory is a sin. Then he uses this to further explain how Continue Reading
Reading James Chapter 1
Summary: James explains how to have the correct attitude and perspective about trials, temptations, and prayer. He warn those who aren't showing evidence of faith that they might not really have any. Continue Reading