Do you know the difference between Minecraft and Liberty Minecraft? In 2018, I had a lot of fun interviewing the man who runs Liberty Minecraft, Nathan Dempsey. Unfortunately, it is not clear if Continue Reading
Eclipse Front Property and the Myth of Price Gouging
[hr] Here is an outline summary of what I talk about in the podcast: 1. People are always complaining about prices 2. Everyone likes to get paid as much as possible for their own work or goods. 3. Continue Reading
Untangling the Impact of Welfare, Charity, and Free Stuff on Our Economy
[box]The subject of giving is important to me. I want to be helpful. Thus, I pay attention when giving, welfare, and charity are discussed, trying to sift through assumptions and vocabulary. Recently, Continue Reading
What’s All This Confusion About Free Trade
What do you think free trade is? People talk about economic trade like it is about one big blob of people in the global marketplace trying to take advantage of that other big blob of people. Words Continue Reading
A Case for Unorganized Charity
There should be a saying - The best way to drain the life out of relationships is to organize them. Don't get me wrong. I like schedules and plans. I make appointments, organize my house, and have Continue Reading
How the Government Interferes with The Stock Market
People in government typically think they can manipulate the economy and the stock market. They either don’t recognize or ignore historically documented economic results from various governmental Continue Reading
The Many Meanings of Options in the Stock Market
The word options in stock market lingo is similar to the word up in the English language: You think you understand its simple definition until you hear it used in so many different ways that its Continue Reading
Perspectives on Predictions of Economic Collapse for the Humble Investor
There is one thing for sure, predictions of economic doom and collapse sell news. There are compelling reasons why it is so. There is plenty of obvious evidence of corruption and violence. Continue Reading
Stock Market Diaries Tax Awareness Strategies for the Humble Investor
If you make any money above and beyond what various persons in government publicly decide is “more than they think absolutely necessary” you will pay taxes. Basically, they will tax you on anything Continue Reading
Dividend Terminology for the Humble Investor
I understand that specific lingo vocabulary can be useful for discussing the details of any specialty. However, for most new investors, dividend has something to do with a mathematical operation Continue Reading