When our children were young, being raised at home, we had Bible reading pretty much every morning. As part of that, I put many passages to song for easier memorization. We recorded most of them. Some Continue Reading
Do You Need Experts to Teach Your Children?
[hr] What exactly is the question about experts? The question of experts in the education of children needs to be refined on many levels. It is not a one-size-fits-all question. To treat it as such Continue Reading
How and Why to Write Your Own Psalms
The word psalm originally meant "to pluck or strike (strings) with the fingers (in song)" Our English word psalm is taken from the Greek psalmos, although the word in the original Old Testament Continue Reading
How to Overcome Music Performance Anxiety
It is normal to feel anxiety, or nervousness, before and during a music performance. It is the body's natural reaction to stress, just like hunger is the body's natural reaction to not having had food Continue Reading
God the Man to the Tune of Spiderman
I was minding my own business one afternoon last week, doing some chores, when my daughter tuned on some music. A couple of songs into the list, the theme from Spiderman came on and I found myself Continue Reading
The Road to Heaven Instead of Shambala
Not that I put myself in the same category with them, but it’s pretty well known that classical composers have regularly reclaimed familiar old tunes for their own work. Sometimes is was a Continue Reading
Beethoven's 5th Perfect Music for There is One God
Sometimes it is just time to have fun with music. This evening we are meeting with a small group of truly Christian believers in our home. It is our habit to sing together in a joyful and creative Continue Reading
Beware Lest Anyone Cheat You
Colossians 2:6-10 in song as the latest memory verse for me and the kids – I’m calling it “So Walk In Him” Colossians 2_6-10 because there are those who would cheat us, if they Continue Reading
When Jesus Reads From Isaiah 61
Right after Jesus shows Satan what He’s really made of in the wilderness, He goes into a synagogue to read a very particular passage in Isaiah. He is making a clear statement of His direct Continue Reading
Music, Evangelism, and the Christian Gathering
We were recently asked for our response to this question: Should secular music be played in 'church' in an effort to 'evangelize' and make it more 'comfortable' for non-believers? Is it a part of Continue Reading