Why is this even a question? A couple of weeks ago I happened upon a discussion in a libertarian group where I have gotten to know and like quite a few of the people. One man was asserting that women Continue Reading
What Liberty Minecraft Can Teach You About Life – an Interview with Nathan Dempsey
Do you know the difference between Minecraft and Liberty Minecraft? In 2018, I had a lot of fun interviewing the man who runs Liberty Minecraft, Nathan Dempsey. Unfortunately, it is not clear if Continue Reading
Discussing Parenting Challenges from Homeschooling to Death of a Child on the Peace and Liberty Podcast
It is interesting being interviewed. You try to prepare, both by reviewing potential topics and by getting in a good mindset. Each host is different. Sometimes the questions set your mind off in Continue Reading
Basic Principles of Property Ownership
Since you don't live alone on an island If a single man is alone on an island, there is no need for rules of property ownership. Even when the second person arrives if there is plenty of everything Continue Reading
What is the Perfect Government ?
Do we all mean the same thing by ‘government’? Most people will admit that nearly all current forms of government, no matter which kind or in which country, are some combination of Continue Reading
Eclipse Front Property and the Myth of Price Gouging
[hr] Here is an outline summary of what I talk about in the podcast: 1. People are always complaining about prices 2. Everyone likes to get paid as much as possible for their own work or goods. 3. Continue Reading
An Educated Decision to Not Vaccinate
The beginnings of an educated decision Our first step toward deciding not to vaccinate our (now adult) children came as a surprise. My husband and I were both at the pediatrician’s office for a Continue Reading
Should a Libertarian Parent Train or Discipline a Child
Opposing libertarian views on children Among those claiming a libertarian philosophy , there are basically two opinions about what the parent-child relationship should be. Some libertarians think it Continue Reading
How to Explain Government to Your Child (or anyone, for that matter)
Too many times we start discussions about government with "how it works." There are assumptions about keeping order and peace and it all being done in everyone's best interest. We are supposed to Continue Reading
A Case Against Institutional aka Public School Socialization
The word socialization was coined by social scientists to discuss the concept of how people learn to get along. My fat 2007 dictionary doesn’t give socialization the status of its own entry, but only Continue Reading