If your flag causes you to sin against your fellow man, you should burn it. This may not be found in the original Biblical text, but I believe it captures the spirit of the advice. It is just all a Continue Reading
The Problem with Ownership
The problem with ownership is that some people will always be jealous of what others own. It isn’t that no one understands ownership. Inherently, everyone knows that some things belong to some people Continue Reading
Mandatory School Attendance, Slavery, and Nullification
[box]I am very pleased to have Mike Brusa as a guest writer for this post. I have had the pleasure of making his acquaintance in the Tom Woods Supporters private Facebook group. Mike always has Continue Reading
How Chuck Norris Helped Conquer Communism in Romania
I just watched Chuck Norris versus Communism. The title did not give me any idea of what this film is about. I only saw that it was a documentary when I happened to walk in while my husband was in the Continue Reading
Why One Man’s Institution is Another Man’s Nemesis
What would you list as institutions in our country? Around the world? Throughout history? Can you define what an “institution” is? These are some of the things I have been thinking about as I have Continue Reading
Do You Really Think For Yourself?
Ever get frustrated with being told you only have certain options that are government approved? Here is a meme to express myself about that. Thanks to my daughter, who is now several years older than Continue Reading
How to Help the Weak and Vulnerable in a Libertarian Society
Who do you think should take care of the weak and vulnerable people? For many people, the answer is an authoritarian government. They may not call it “authoritarian” or be consciously thinking of it Continue Reading
My Accidental Weekend in a Socialist Commune
I wasn’t supposed to be at the wedding. I hadn’t been invited. I didn’t know anyone in it. But it wasn’t my fault. The wedding party descended on the campground like a swarm. You can decide what kind Continue Reading
What’s All This Confusion About Free Trade
What do you think free trade is? People talk about economic trade like it is about one big blob of people in the global marketplace trying to take advantage of that other big blob of people. Words Continue Reading
The Illusions of an Oath
Do you think taking an oath makes a person more reliable? For me, the short answer is “no.” Either someone is honest and has integrity in what they do and say, or they don’t. Taking an oath doesn’t Continue Reading