reported by BNP via the Genesis Review
Some experts are advising investors to buy into the Egyptian grain commodities market. The current global famine is leading to inflation and loss of value in all currencies. Even gold and other precious metals have been reduced to common coinage.
This news comes too late for many, who have already traded anything of value in order to feed their families. Even foreigners are showing up, though there is an extensive screening process. If the Magnanimous Central Government (MCG) wants to find a reason to deny grain to someone, it can.
One concern expressed by potential investors is seizure of their investment by the MCG. Many are leery of putting their assets in the government wallet. There are several documented instances of the government accounting being conveniently flexible and funds disappearing. Since the MCG owns the market and controls the pricing, it is to be assumed that any conflict would be resolved in their favor.
There are reports of some foreign traders having recently been imprisoned for espionage. They are accused of lying about family data in an effort to infiltrate the Grain Rationing Department (GRD) and gain access to government secrets. After three days of interrogation, all but one of the supposed brothers were set at liberty. Terms of release for that last man are under review.
So many years of famine has some people speculating about the end of the world. With the dryness of the land, the ancient world wide flood is beginning to have a new appeal. No one has seen a rainbow in quite a while.
Egypt, the only functioning government, is taking advantage of the situation to bring other nations under its thumb. The Pharaoh may soon be the Supreme World Leader. It is a big job for one man, assuming there are many people left when the famine finally ends.
(for further information see Genesis 42)
previous article: Pharaoh’s 20 Percent Tax Increase Barely Noticed in the Midst of Booming Economy