reported by BNP via the Genesis Review
In a surprising turn of events, all of the prisoners recently taken by General Chedorlaomer and his Coalition of Four have been freed. The prisoners were part of a rebel force, known as The Five Kings, that was attempting to break away from Coalition control. In a show of strength, the Coalition had marched through the region, en route to the Valley of Siddim, devastating populations from Ashteroth-karnaim to El-paran.
The final goal, the capture of the Five Kings’ leaders, was a short lived victory when the Coalition was caught off-guard by a private army during the night. Coalition forces were slaughtered as they were chased northward; all captives and stolen goods are reported to now be safely home.
Tar pits in the Valley of Siddim were blamed by The Five Kings for their defeat. Some of the rebel squads fell into them. Their fate is as yet unknown. Many of the other troops escaped into the surrounding hills, leading to speculation that the rebel army was unprepared for the encounter.

The hero of the hour is a man named Abram the Hebrew. He used his own personal funds to outfit his army troops, many of whom have actually been on this career track since birth. The limited, but loyal, corps followed Mr. Hebrew’s strategy of a nighttime attack with remarkable success.
Mr. Hebrew denies any political affiliation, claiming that he was simply protecting some family members. He refused to accept any rewards or tokens of honor.
A ceremony set up by The Five Kings to recognize Mr. Hebrew, presided over by a leader of Sodom, was eclipsed by the arrival of the King of Salem. Abram and this king, Melchizedek, apparently had a prior agreement to meet over bread and wine to discuss their mutual devotion to the Most High God.
For reasons that are as yet unclear, Mr. Hebrew gave a full tenth of all that he had to the king. No one has been able to find out anything more about this King of Salem, whose background is mysterious.

(for further information see Genesis 13 and 14, as well as Hebrews 7)
next article: Runaway Surrogate Claims Spiritual Experience in Shur Desert (Genesis 16)