Do you know the difference between Minecraft and Liberty Minecraft?
In 2018, I had a lot of fun interviewing the man who runs Liberty Minecraft, Nathan Dempsey. Unfortunately, it is not clear if the website still exists. I’m looking into that. Links updated below.
Not only did he patiently and succinctly explain it to me, but we had some great conversation about how it can be a fun and interactive way to learn everything from real economics to computer coding. I have to warn you though, after listening, you might want to go play!

Links to articles, podcasts, and websites mentioned:
Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk, 19th century economist, crushes Karl Marx
Does Technology Destroy Your Child’s Creativity?
video mentioned
And finally, the proper and very German pronunciation of Eugen von Böhm Bawerk (which I would have looked up ahead of time, but it was a spontaneous part of the conversation!)