Summary: A new king of Egypt comes to power who doesn’t know Joseph. He is afraid of the Israelite people, so enslaves them. He also orders that all male babies be killed. Moses is born, set afloat in a basket in the river, found by the pharaoh’s daughter, and becomes her son. However, he knows he is a Hebrew and goes out to see his people. After killing an Egyptian, he flees to Midian, where he lives with the priest of Midian as a shepherd. One day when he takes the flock out, he sees a bush that burns without being burned up. God speaks to him from it and commissions him to take the Israelites out of Egypt and to a very good land. God tells Moses his name to give to the people of Israel and shows him some of the wonders he will perform through him. Moses still complains about not being suitable for the task. Aaron gets added to the project, then Moses sets off with his wife. On the way, she is inspired to circumcise their son. When they arrive, the people believe Moses and worship Yahweh. Read from the World English Bible
Why I read from the World English Bible
I read from the 2016 edition, linked to below:
There is also a 2019 edition:
There is also a 2019 edition: